Legal Guidance for Employers on Navigating New Wellness/Health Policies – On Demand Webinar

Ruth Binger

By Ruth Binger

A recent survey of Missouri manufacturers by Missouri Enterprise found that understanding wellness and health guidelines due to Covid-19 is a top challenge for moving forward.

In “Legal Guidance to Help Employers Navigate New Wellness/Health Policies,” a webinar from Missouri Enterprise, I discuss major obstacles and gray areas related to protecting employees in the new normal of Covid-19.

Watch the webinar to learn how to navigate the new health order while protecting employees on the job. Questions include:

  • Can employers require employees to get flu or Covid-19 vaccinations?
  • What questions can an employer legally ask when an employee calls in sick?
  • What can an employer do if an employee doesn’t want to return to work because they are afraid of getting sick?
  • Can an employer require high-risk employees (due to age or health) to stay home?
  • What information can an employer share with other employees if an employee is being tested for the virus?
  • Can a company require an employee to leave work if they seem ill?
  • Can an employer be held liable if an employee contacts the virus at the workplace?
  • If the virus spread through the workplace, is it considered a workers’ comp injury?

Click below to watch the webinar:


For additional COVID-19 related information, go to our Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resource Center.

Posted by Attorney Ruth Binger with assistance from Brenda Christmas Marlowe, Marketing Manager. Binger serves both emerging and mature businesses concentrating in corporate law, intellectual property and technology law, cybersecurity, digital media law, and labor and employment law. Her commitment to the success of small to medium-sized businesses, and her understanding of multi-faceted issues inherent in operations, are what distinguish Binger’s practice.

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