#MeToo Movement Spurs a 50 Percent Increase in EEOC Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

Katherine M. Flett

By Katherine M. Flett

It comes as no surprise that one year after the rise of the #MeToo movement, more women are not just speaking up about sexual harassment in the workplace, but they are taking action in the courthouse.#metoo

According to a recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) press release, the EEOC has already filed 66 harassment lawsuits in 2018, including 41 specifically citing sexual harassment – a 50 percent increase over 2017.

The EEOC also reported that it recovered almost $70 million for the victims of sexual harassment through administrative enforcement and litigation in 2018, up from $47.5 million in 2017. Interestingly, the overall number of discrimination charges are down, but charges for sexual harassment are up.

Victoria Lipnic, acting chair of the agency, commented during an interview with The Washington Post that she believe the increase is a result of the #MeToo movement, saying “This stuff happens everywhere. If you don’t address it in your workplace, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a federal enforcement [action].”

Since its launch in October 2017, the EEOC’s training program “Respectful Workplaces,” offered to employees and supervisors to promote and contribute to respect in the workplace, has been in high demand. The past year alone, over 9,000 employees and supervisors in the private, public, and federal sector work forces participated in the program.

Click here to read the press release.

If you’re an employer, this on-demand video webinar is for you. Watch plaintiff and defense attorneys give their perspectives on sexual harassment and ADA discrimination litigation.

On Demand Webinar: Plaintiff & Defense Attorneys’ Perspectives on Sexual Harassment and ADA Discrimination Litigation







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